stPEAR-based trading discounts
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There are significant fee discounts available if the wallet holds a certain amount of staked Pear tokens (stPEAR)
These are automatically applied at point of execution on the Isolated and Cross (Orderbooks) mode. Say a user entered a trade for $10,000. The open fee by default would have been $13 If this user held say 50,000 s$PEAR tokens, they would only pay 0.9*$13, = $11.70 of fees (10% discount). Of this $11.70: 80% to Staking pool = $9.36
20% to Treasury = $2.34 Thus, the 'net' amount of $9.36 (after considering discounts) is eligible for $PEAR stakers.
However, for our intent-based engine, the fee discount based on your stPEAR balance is not captured at the point of execution, but instead it is claimable on the Dashboard>Rebates.
note: Our intent engine captures both Open and Close fees together at trade inception. Thus you'll be able to claim a larger amount than expected of $ETH once you open a trade, but once you close a position this $ETH amount won't change. The same logic also applies for your Monthly Volume. i.e. when you close a trade, you won't earn any more $ETH, since it has already been made available for you to claim.
The above section of the Dashboard (Rebates Tab) is where you can claim your Fee Discounts from Staking (stPEAR). You can claim these at any time. The amount owed to you will be in 'Claimable Discount'. You can also see how much $ETH you have already claimed. $ETH will be sent directly to your wallet.