Token information
Token ticker: PEAR
Token type: ERC-20
Address: 0x3212dc0F8c834e4DE893532d27CC9B6001684DB0
Max supply: 1,000,000,000 tokens
The $PEAR token is a utility token with 3 major benefits:
1/ 80% revenue share for $PEAR stakers - paid in ETH
2/ Further fee reductions for traders based on amount of stPear held
3/ Ownership and governance in the future of Pear Protocol including any plans for integrations with other Exchanges and other new products and features.
When users stake their PEAR token, they mint stPEAR, which is used to calculate staking rewards.
Ticker: stPEAR
Token type: ERC-20 Address: 0xcE3be5204017BB1bD279937f92dF09Fd7F539B92
Max supply: 1,000,000,000 tokens
note: stPEAR is not transferable
Last updated